... as its does these days even in Hungary, in the psychologically and politically liberating effect of talking dirty) all the way through to the latest soft drink brand to hit the market, or the changes in habits on summer vacations. ..... Slavoj Zizek: "Exposed to the Shock of Naďve Questions" [Hungarian translation at: http:/www.c3.hu/-tillmann/fordítasok/tobbiek/zizek.htlm]. Translated from the Hungarian by Tim Wilkinson, original not identified. ...
Air tickets and 5-star bhotels/b for the harem; fake passports which are bought from Italian mafia, for the especially treasured lovers from Russia, and of course, for the new centres in developing countries, where new 'members'b....../b conscious beings were bnaďve/b saying different things because Influence C kept they away from the truth. Recently he said that he might become a man #8 depending on the hydrogen warfare. Earlier, when he was giving his first meeting, he ...
Není tomu tak dlouho, co sem sledoval jak pravicoví a tedy podle logiky, tehdy ještě neexistující trojkoalice, objektivní komentátoři házeli špínu na vše, co naše levice vymyslela. Vadila jim podpora školáků, pomoc rozvedeným matkám k ...